When searching for authoritative medical information online, it's reassuring to know that Merck Manuals is committed to providing an experience void of advertising or sponsored content of any kind.
Access to the long-trusted website is unlimited and always free. Moreover, there is no registration and visitors are never asked to provide personal information.
Visitors to www.MerckManuals.com can choose between advanced content designed for healthcare professionals and medical students, or easier to understand material tailored to patients and consumers.
“The Merck Manuals digital platform is unique as an open access, unbiased clinical information resource. They are the first place to go as a physician when you need to quickly refresh your knowledge about a disease or symptom. This comes up all the time, when you are seeing a patient and need a concise overview of a medical issue you don’t usually encounter. We’ve transformed the iconic textbook into a global ecosystem of websites, mobile apps, and EHR-integrated tools in 14 languages, all with no subscription fees, login requirements, or advertising. What has remained constant for 125 years is the high-quality content written by leading experts," said Editor-in-Chief, Sandy Falk, M.D. "A time-saving tip I’d like share with my colleagues is to go directly to MerckManuals.com rather than using a search engine; direct access makes it easy for users to find content and tools (such as calculators, drug information) with respect for privacy and no distractions from start to finish."
Enhancements and Updates
Among the recent improvements to the website are a more prominent search box, a “letter spine” for locating health topics and medical conditions alphabetically, and “quick links” to material about first aid and emergencies, normal laboratory results, and drug information.
The expanding online collection of assets includes a news feed, comentary, infographics, videos, podcast episodes, 3D models, health calculators and trackers, quizzes, and a guide to the pronunciation of medical terms.
The digital platform allows for timely discussion of pressing social issues with public health implications, such as healthy travel, school bullying, and elder abuse.
Credible Medical Information for All
More than 350 medical experts currently serve as contributors to the website; content is reviewed by an independent editorial board and regularly updated online. The resource is available in English and Spanish, and 12 other languages.
Provided as a public service by Merck & Co., Inc., the online offering expands on the subject matter contained in The Merck Manuals, a series of medical reference books long trusted by doctors and patients alike.
The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook translates the complex medical terminology contained in The Merck Manual into everyday language. The first edition of the consumer version was introduced in 1997.
The Merck Manual for doctors and pharmacists was first published in 1899. This book for professionals is now in its 20th edition.
For 130 years, Merck, known as MSD outside of the United States and Canada, has been inventing for life, bringing forward medicines and vaccines for many of the world’s most challenging diseases in pursuit of our mission to save and improve lives. We demonstrate our commitment to patients and population health by increasing access to health care through far-reaching policies, programs and partnerships. Today, Merck continues to be at the forefront of research to prevent and treat diseases that threaten people and animals – including cancer, infectious diseases such as HIV and Ebola, and emerging animal diseases – as we aspire to be the premier research-intensive biopharmaceutical company in the world.